ensayos clínicos


  • Estudio sobre células madre autólogas derivadas del tejido adiposo en medicina antienvejecimiento

    Este estudio destaca el papel prometedor de las células madre autólogas derivadas del tejido adiposo en la medicina regenerativa y antienvejecimiento. Estas células se pueden recolectar fácilmente mediante una liposucción mínimamente invasiva, lo que ofrece potencial para regenerar tejidos y órganos envejecidos al reemplazar las células dañadas y demostrar propiedades antiinflamatorias y antiapoptóticas.

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Lesiones ortopédicas y deportivas

  • MSC aumenta la formación de tejido similar a un tendón y la reparación de defectos in vivo

    El principal objetivo de este estudio fue establecer un enfoque eficaz para inducir la tenogénesis de células madre mesenquimales derivadas de la médula ósea (BMSC), que son las células semilla más comunes en la ingeniería de tejidos tendinosos.

  • Células estromales mesenquimales alogénicas para la regeneración del cartílago

    La señalización paracrina, las propiedades inmunogénicas y las posibles aplicaciones de las células estromales mesenquimales (MSC) para la ingeniería de tejido cartilaginoso y las terapias de medicina regenerativa se han investigado a través de numerosos estudios clínicos, en modelos animales y in vitro.

blogs de regeneración

por Timeless Lifespan 24 nov., 2023
The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged the medical community to find effective treatments, especially for severe cases. Among the promising solutions emerging from regenerative medicine is the use of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). Recent clinical studies have highlighted the potential of MSCs in enhancing recovery rates and reducing symptom severity in COVID-19 patients.
por Timeless Lifespan 15 nov., 2023
2023 marks a significant leap in regenerative medicine, especially in the realm of exosomes and mesenchymal stem cell therapy. Exosomes, once considered mere cellular byproducts, are now at the forefront of regenerative aesthetics. This shift in perspective owes much to the pioneering research that unraveled their crucial role in cell communication and tissue repair.
por Timeless Lifespan 08 nov., 2023
In a groundbreaking discovery, scientists from Harvard Medical School and MIT have introduced a revolutionary chemical method that can potentially reverse cellular aging. This breakthrough offers an alternative to gene therapy for age reversal and could dramatically transform the treatment of age-related diseases
por Timeless Lifespan 01 nov., 2023
Cancer, a multifaceted and challenging disease, is continually reshaped by the evolving understanding of stem cells' role in its progression. In 2023, significant strides have been made in comprehending and harnessing the power of stem cells for cancer treatment.
por Timeless Lifespan 25 oct., 2023
BPC-157, a synthetic peptide, has shown remarkable regenerative properties, particularly in the healing of tendons and intestinal tissues.
por Timeless Lifespan 18 oct., 2023
Stanford University's recent study has brought exosomes, small vesicles carrying proteins and cellular materials, into the spotlight as a promising alternative to stem cell therapy.
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Timeless Lifespan Regenerative Medicine & Revolutionary Aesthetics


Timeless Group:

Timeless Lifespan & Timeless Beauty

AV. Balamkanché, Plaza Xaman Ha

Playa Del Carmen, Quintana Roo

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