Medical Disclaimer for Timeless Group:

The information on the Timeless Lifespan website serves for educational and general informational purposes only. It is not a replacement for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Consult your physician or a qualified health provider for any medical questions or concerns and before starting any new health care regimen. Do not overlook professional medical advice or delay seeking it due to information read on our website.

The treatments and therapies discussed here are part of an evolving medical field and are informational only. Timeless Lifespan makes no claims about the effectiveness of any specific treatments or procedures detailed on the site. Individual results from therapies and treatments may vary significantly.

Cell therapy is not a guaranteed cure and should not be considered as such. It is supported by scientific research, akin to various conventional medical treatments. Eligibility for cell therapy is contingent upon a thorough review of the patient’s medical history. Any personal information shared is exclusively used internally and for medical purposes by our medical professionals at Timeless Lifespan.. Like all medical procedures, Timeless Lifespan treatments have varying degrees of success and failure. Testimonials on our site represent individual experiences and should not be interpreted as universally applicable or as comprehensive statements of treatment effectiveness.

Timeless Group does not endorse any tests, physicians, products, procedures, opinions, or other information mentioned on the website. Relying on any information from Timeless Lifespan, Timeless Group employees, contracted writers, or medical professionals contributing to our content is at your own risk.

The site and content are offered on an "as is" basis. Links to external educational content are accessed at your own risk. Timeless Lifespan is not liable for claims from external websites and educational companies.

Changes to This Disclaimer:

We may modify this disclaimer at any time. Please review it periodically. Your continued use of our service after we post changes means you accept and agree to the updated disclaimer

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